The next step you should consider is constructing a nice game plan for your weight loss goals. How many pounds you want to lose within a certain time. Be real with your time chosen too - Don’t be unrealistic wanting to lose 50 pounds in 2 weeks. With help from lipo that might happen but without it your in some trouble. So take your goals seriously. Sitting on the couch isn’t going to get you in that “healthy” stage.
Now that you have came up with some decent goals of your weight loss and you know how much you would like to lose within a certain amount of time - The next thing is to look deeply into your diet. Diet is another strong key into losing weight - If you are eating like shi* you will be shi*. Stop it with the snacks and cookies that are just putting on those pounds. It isn’t hard to know whats healthy and whats not. If your plate is dripping with grease then you might want to forget about losing weight and focus on living an unhealthy life like you have chosen this far. I mean come on, people need to realise it is them doing that to themselves. It’s a different story if you are on poverty level and your only concerns are living and eating what you can get your grubby hands on - But it’s another story if you are that person who has it easy, and can get the food they want.
There are plenty of weight loss plans and diets you can follow. This weight loss blog will bring you the diets and plans but you can easily search them online and come up with one that best suits your needs.